I moved to Berlin in the height of the Pandemic in 2020.
Aged 62, I was the first Lasker Wallfisch to return to the 'Father Land'.
Brave or Naive, perhaps both, once the decision was formed in my mind there was no stopping me.
Not unlike my dear mother Anita Lasker - Wallfisch I have been blessed with a fierce determination!
Is it easy?No..Is it worthwhile?..I hope so!
I have achieved my dream of writing two books which tell my Family story and my own.. At last giving them, namely my Grand Parents a place of Imperpetuity in the absence of graves. The platform I hope, for continuing my Mother's work and my own engagement with race hatred and Trans Generational Trauma which I am deeply committed to and is central to the German Jew and Gentile experience.
My hope is that Germany will welcome me after 80 years in the Hinterland, that I will be able to establish myself personally and professionally and live part of my life in the country that was my Birthright.