Ich schreib euch aus Berlin
Ich schreib euch aus Berlin: Rückkehr in ein neues Zuhause
The letters brought them to life. By writing to her grandparents who were murdered by the Nazis, Maya formed a relationship across the catastrophe of the 20th century. For Maya, a new life began afterwards, in a new city, a new mission: to transform the place from which the doom started, into a home, a pacified homeland. To do this, Maya goes in search of Berlin's Jewish past and present: Weissensee Cemetery, Pestalozzistrasse, Platform 17 in Grunewald ... In the mirror of these places and in dialogue with her grandparents, she saves herself, her family, her Jewish origins.
After the highly acclaimed successful book Briefe nach Breslau (Letters to Breslau), Ich schreib euch aus Berlin (I'm writing to you from Berlin) is a new transgenerational adventure. Maya Lasker-Wallfisch wins herself a home in an almost impossible place. She bears witness to what wounds can do, for better or for worse.